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Tsatelet Nature Reserve, from Augustus Arch Square

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Last survey: 09/11/2004
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
585 m
Arrival height
792 m
Positive difference in height
207 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Located upstream of Aosta, this nature reserve has many special features. The short walk from the capital of Valle d'Aosta allows one to enjoy a special natural environment and an enchanting panorama of the city of Aosta and the surrounding mountains.


Leave the car in the car park near the Arch of Augustus, drive along the road, crossing the Buthier stream: at the traffic lights, turn left where you will see a signpost indicating our destination. Go up Via Mont Vélan, turning first right and then left until you pass under road 26; turn right in the direction of Saint-Christophe. After about 200 metres, two small roads descending from the left are met: take the small road to the right and begin the ascent (0h10', 595 m). After a couple of twists and turns, climb up a straight stretch leading to a chapel dedicated to St Bear. Continue the ascent, passing the Mileluci campsite (leave it on the left) and passing near a peculiar hillock: this is a Celtic burial mound from the Iron Age surmounted by vines. You will soon reach a crossroads (0h20', 661 m): continue straight on, passing the locality of Busseyaz, to a junction where you continue to the right. The path continues until reaching a clearing, where you walk along a stretch of road surrounded by trees, then turn right until reaching another crossroads (0h30', 699m): turn left until reaching the pole indicating access to the nature reserve. From here, several paths lead in a short time to the summit of Tzatelet (0h45', 792 m): from up here, a splendid panorama of the city of Aosta and Mont Emilius can be enjoyed. Explanatory panels on the environmental peculiarities of the protected area can be found along the way.

The return trip follows the same itinerary as the outward journey.

The chapel dedicated to Saint Bear was erected on the spot where the Saint beat his stick and caused a spring to gush forth.


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Riserva naturale Tsatelet

Itinerario percorso il 7 novembre 2004. Data la splendida giornata autunnale vi lascio immaginare le suggestioni cromatiche avute! Bella passeggiata a due passi da Aosta, interessante in autunno o in estate nel pomeriggio inoltrato.
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